Year Round Reading Program
Come into Nakama Studio and get a reading program bookmark or print this image. One circle is filled in for every 20 minutes of reading or each picture or board book read for babies and younger kids. Once a bookmark is full, bring it back to the studio to choose a prize and get a new bookmark.

Free Library Cabinet
On the side of the Studio building, we have a free library cabinet. There are many books in it, activity books, and arts and crafts supplies. The cabinet was a labor of love created for us by Girl Scout Troop 4022.

Free Art and Craft Supplies
At Nakama Studio, we accept donations of art and craft supplies. Donations are added to our Large Free Library Cabinet outside of the Studio so the community can come "shop" for supplies at any time. We also have a free cart inside the studio that we add to. Contact Julie at 513-827-1299 or to arrange drop-off.